
Shaping the future of Cancer Care at ESSO40

Lisboa, 8-10 November 2021

The European Society of Surgical Oncology has chosen the theme “ Shaping the future of Cancer Care” and the city of Lisboa, Portugal to host its 40th annual Congress.

The congress will include a first-class panel of speakers presenting the latest developments, trends and innovative techniques in the management of patients with solid tumours, while recognizing the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to cancer patient care.

At ESSO, Xeos will be showcasing the AURA 10, the first-ever PET-CT specimen imager for the OR, delivering reference image quality of the excised tissue within minutes after excision.

Visit XEOS to discover the benefits of the AURA 10 PET-CT specimen imager and how we are taking a huge step forward in surgical oncology.

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